Tag: Web Applications
All articles tagged with Web Applications.
All articles tagged with Web Applications.
Simply Remind Me was designed for people to send themselves reminders - hence the name, Simply Remind Me.
Over the years, I’ve witnessed many businesses who are using Simply Remind Me to send reminders to their customers. Everything from dentist surgeries reminding their patients of their upcoming appointments, to Government embassies reminding tourists when their visa expires!
Whilst this works (and are novel uses of the app) it’s not what it was designed for.
Introducing... Simply Remind Me Pro. Built for businesses and dedicated users.
Back in October 2023, I teased a complete re-imagination of the “event” in Simply Remind Me.
An event is anything you want to be reminded about… a birthday, anniversary or doctor’s appointment. A reminder is an individual email, text or voice call related to an event.
Almost a year later, and I’m ready to invite people to the new event/reminder experience in Simply Remind Me.
Simply Remind Me , Software Development Read more
Rapidly approaching 500 new users this year, my free email and simple text message reminder app - Simply Remind Me - is earning a loyal following in the world.
In July, I had 131 new users that have signed up in 2023. As of today, I've trebled this to 466.
All of these new users are bringing great suggestions and feedback - particularly from a competitor's service that stopped working earlier this year.
I'm rolling all this feedback and suggestions into a complete overhaul of the "event experience" which I'm excited to preview today.
Simply Remind Me , Software Development Read more
Today, 14th May, I discovered that SMS messages sent from my Simply Remind Me app since 1st March were not being delivered by my SMS provider.
Because they were successfully accepted by the gateway, Simply Remind Me correctly deducted the credits from your account. But the messages failed to arrive at their intended handsets.
Simply Remind Me , Software Development Read more
Updates for devices running the Linux operating system come in the form of packages. Using the Linux system’s package manager, you install new packages and upgrade them as new versions are released.
Now sure you can log onto each Linux device and run apt update && apt upgrade
, or dnf update
, depending on your distribution. But what if you have several – even hundreds – of devices to keep updated? And how do you know what new updates are available?
Over the past few weeks I’ve migrated my website to a new content management system – ExpressionEngine.
I took the opportunity to upgrade my website’s front-end technologies to their latest releases – Bootstrap 5 and VueJS 3, for example.
This post documents some of the changes I came across migrating Bootstrap 4 to 5.
Software Development Read more
Announced around a year ago, Microsoft today released their brand-new version of Edge – the default web browser since the Windows 10 release.
The new Edge browser is based on Google’s Chromium project. Chromium is the “base” software that Google builds the Chrome browser on.